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Complaint Procedures



The purpose of Fort Bend County Public Transportation tracking compliments/complaints is to identify areas of concern and service issues to improve the quality of service. By identifying service issues, Fort Bend County Public Transportation can correct the source of a problem and prevent reoccurrence of that service issue. In addition, Fort Bend County Public Transportation utilizes complaints as a tool to ensure that staff and drivers are following established procedures.



1.    Accessibility for Filing Compliment/Complaint: The Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department contact information is posted on signs in the County owned buses, available on the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department website, and in the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department brochures.


2.    Compliment/Complaint(s) can be received directly from passenger via phone, email or in person.


3.    Any Fort Bend County Public Transportation staff can take/log a compliment/complaint.


4.    All compliment/complaint(s) must be forwarded to the Operations Assistant. The Operations Assistant is responsible for investigating/tracking complaint and the resolution and data.


5.    The cause of the service issue/complaint is identified and relayed to the appropriate supervisor (FBC Transit Operations Manager, FBC Transit Assistant Director, and current contractor) and appropriate action is taken to remedy the service issue (e.g. contact patron filing the complaint, address driver, address reservationist).


6.    Any complaint that alleges discrimination on the basis of disability will be designated as an ADA complaint. The Civil Rights Officer will be responsible for investigating the complaint and following up with the customer.


a.    ADA complaints can be taken up to 180 days past the date of the incident. Beyond that period, complaints will be classified as comments.


b.    The Civil Rights Officer will be responsible for contacting the appropriate manager/ service contractor(s) to get information needed to complete the investigation of the complaint including, but not limited to, any video or audio recordings of the incident.


c.     Once the investigation has been completed, the Civil Rights Officer will decide the validity of the complaint and what, if any, remedial actions will be taken to address the complainant’s concerns.


d.    The Civil Rights Officer will notify the complainant in writing of Fort Bend Transit’s decision regarding the complaint typically within seven (7) business days after the investigation has been completed.



7.    Any complaint that alleges discrimination on the basis of discrimination will be designated as a Title VI complaint. The Civil Rights Officer will be responsible for investigating the complaint and following up with the customer


a.    Title VI complaints can be taken up to 180 days past the date of the incident. Beyond that period, complaints will be classified as comments.


b.    The Civil Rights Officer will be responsible for contacting the appropriate manager/ service contractor(s) to get information needed in order to complete the investigation of the complaint including, but not limited to, any video or audio recordings of the incident.


c.     Once the investigation has been completed, the Civil Rights Officer will decide the validity of the complaint and what, if any, remedial actions will be taken to address the complainant’s concerns.


d.    The Civil Rights Officer will notify the complainant in writing of Fort Bend Transit’s decision regarding the complaint typically within seven (7) business days after the investigation has been completed.


8.    All complaint data will be furnished to the Transportation Director monthly during staff meeting.


9.    Contractor shall provide bi-weekly complaint reports to Fort Bend County detailing complaints and their resolution. Serious complaints, such as complaints involving safety issues shall be reported verbally to Fort Bend County either immediately or as soon as possible after being received by the contractor by Fort Bend County.


10.  All complaints will be acknowledged the following business day for complaints received by telephone; written complaints will be acknowledged within ten business days.


11.  Complaints shall be resolved within a minimum of 45 business day s of receipt of the complaint by Fort Bend County.


12.  Contractors with similar complaint occurrences shall be subject to a performance review by Fort Bend County to determine corrective action. Failure to implement and maintain corrective measures may be cause for contract cancellation.



Policy Approved and Adopted By Fort Bend County Public Transportation

June 20, 2018



Original text